Monday, July 7, 2014

Nothing is Ever Normal

"Someone's normal is someone else's weird, and someone's weird is someone else's normal."

I don't believe in any normalcy. I think the world normal is put in there by society, to make people feel like they aren't normal by certain standards. It sets expectations to either a low bar or a high bar. Too high, that one may never be happy with anything because it is all too disappointing. Or so low, that one may settle for what they think will the best at that moment. Either way, both parties end up disappointed.

It's almost as if society wants people to self-sabotage because you are going to be too good, or not so great.

It is how you perceive the message the world gives you. Your attitude can determine if the glass if half full or half empty. If life is full or if there isn't enough. However you fill your cup, will it be enough? Or are you satisfied with what you have, even when you might want more? If you believe that the glass is half empty, what are you doing to fill that "void"? But if that glass is half full, would you be trying to fill a void that isn't there?

Maybe to some, I could just be rambling on about nothing. Then to others, maybe help them in a direction that they never thought of. I am merely making discoveries on my own, that may or may not help others... but they are something that could be working for me, or something that simply needs to be tried in a different way. These words come to mind, when I see things in a different way:

  • Personal Growth
  • Change
  • Positivity
  • Trial and Error
  • Mistakes
  • Chances
  • Opportunity
  • No regrets
  • Discovery

Whether you see things spiritually, materialistically, physically, emotionally, or whatever form fits for you. You can find that happiness from within. Believe in yourself and know that you are capable of anything, as long as you put your mind to it. If you are in a position where you think you can't do anything, try to remove yourself from that situation. NOTHING or NO ONE can hold you back but yourself. So, don't sit there and try to blame someone else for your situation. Life is in your hands, it is up to you what you want to do with it.

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