Monday, April 28, 2014

Letting It Go

I was looking for something to help me get through my issues of not letting go. I really need to find a way to forget what everyone else thinks of me, or the life I have chosen. My past has created the person I am today, but I need to remember that it made me who I am and that it doesn't still make me who I am tomorrow. Live and learn. Lived and Learn. Time to move on from that and start anew.
I want to stop feeling like a failure, and just feel like me again. To not care about what others do, or why they do it. To feel like I am in control of my future and every step I make to get there. I am sick of being where I am now, and I know that I can do so much more. To know that I am capable of feeling loved, without those who don't weigh me down. To stop being insecure because of comments or looks that I get while out and about. 
I know what I am capable of, I see what I can do if I just let go, I hear the greatness and I need to hold on to that. There are those out there that do love me, regardless of the dumb things I do or say. There are those who would support me, despite my choices. I want to trust again without feeling like it will be broken. To set lower expectations of everything around me, except myself. I know I can do better.
Some people still have a hold on me and I want to break that. What they say or do makes a big impact on how I am feeling, and it effects me in a very negative way. Tired of feeling like I am drowning in sorrows and failures. When I should be enjoying my own awesomeness. I am not conceited, I am proud of who I am and who I want to be. I don't want to sit around and wait for someone else to make my choices for me. Getting a job, going to school, what career field I should choose, where I want to live. Or even as simple as what book to read, or TV show to watch, or what to eat. (Which is another thing I need to discuss). This is my life and I need to be in control of it. I think if I can do that, then I won't have the need to control anything or anyone else.
SO... here is a list I found online of things that I need/want to work on. Going to print it out and start making a difference where it counts. With the only person that it matters for. Myself.

#1 Letting the opinions of others control your life.
       - It's not what others think, it's what you think about yourself that counts.
       - You have to do exactly what's best for you and your life, not what's best for everyone else.
#2 The Shame of past failures
      - Your past does not equal your future
      - All that matters is what you do right now
#3 Being indecisive about what you want
      - You will never leave where you are until you decide where you would rather be
      - Make a decision to figure out what you want, and then pursue it passionately.
#4 Procrastinating on the goals that matter to you
      - There are two primary choices in life: To accept conditions as they exist, or accept the       responsibility for changing them.
      - The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.
#5 Choosing to do nothing
      - You don't get to choose how you are going to die or when, you can only decide how you are going to live right now.
      - Every day is a new chance to choose.
#6 Your need to be right
      - Aim for success but never give up your right to be wrong. Because when you do you will lose the ability to learn new things and move on with your life.
#7 Running away from problems that should be fixed
      - Stop Running! Period. Face reality, face your problems.. Move on.
#8 Making excuses rather than decisions.
      - Most long term failures are the outcome of people making excuses instead of taking decisions
#9 Overlooking the positive points in your life.
      - What you see often depends entirely of what you are looking for.
      - Be thankful for the good things in your life right now. If not.. you will never be happy.
#10 Not appreciating the present moment.. the NOW
      - Too often we concentrate on doing something big without realizing that it is the small things in life that keep us going.

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